What Role for the African Development Bank in a New Africa?

Måndagen den 23 mars arrangerar Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA) ett seminarium om Afrikanska utvecklingsbankens roll och utmaningar i ett Afrika i förändring. Vid samma tillfälle presenteras en rapport på temat.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is an important actor in Swedish aid. Like other development banks it subsidizes loans to low income countries (LIC) with a combination of aid money and reflows from its commercial lending to middle income countries (MIC). Dr Christopher Humphrey argues in a new EBA report that slow lending procedures and strict rules make MIC:s less prone to borrow from the AfDB. This leads to decreasing reflows and a weaker overall position for the AfDB. Hence, he argues, the Bank needs to reform in order to stay relevant.

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The wider challenges the bank faces stems from a rapidly changing African continent. Economic growth brings a multitude of new financial flows – domestic and international – as well as development of markets. How can new sources of development finance support broad based – and hence long-term – economic growth and poverty reduction? What role could the African Development Bank play in this dynamic phase? And how can foreign aid be used catalytically in this new setting?

Speakers and panelists

Christopher Humphrey, PhD, Researcher, Zürich University, Switzerland; Njuguna Ndung’u, Professor, former Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya; Anders Borg, Chair, Global Financial System Initiative, World Economic Forum, former Minister of Finance, Sweden; Ulrika Modéer, State Secretary for Development Cooperation, Sweden; Lars Heikensten, Chair EBA, CEO the Nobel Foundation, former Governor of the Swedish Riksbank; Torgny Holmgren, Member of EBA, CEO Stockholm International Water Institute, Sweden

Date: March 23 Time: 14.00-16.00, Coffee and registration from 13.30 Venue: “Bankhallen”, UD, Malmtorgsgatan 3, Stockholm Organiser: Expert Group for Aid Studies, EBA Registration: eba.seminarium@gov.se or www.eba.se

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