Hur har svenska företag anammat G4?

I rapporten Gearing up for G4, som publicerades den 22 oktober, har DNV GL och Purple Ivy tagit pulsen på några av de svenska företag som var först ut att hållbarhetsredovisa enligt Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) nya riktlinjer, G4. Rapporten lyfter bland andra redovisningar Swedfunds <IR> 2013 som ett bra exempel.

Astrid Schmeling, Founding partner Purple Ivy och ansvarig för analysen bakom rapporten säger:
Producing an integrated report for the first time and using two newly launched reporting frameworks in its production is no easy task. Swedfund was one of three Swedish companies we identified in ‘Gearing up for G4’, that took this bold step and proved that it was possible. Although challenges remain in harmonizing G4 and the Integrated Reporting framework, Swedfund proved that when combined, the reporting frameworks can support a company’s ambition of being credible and accountable and future-focused all in the same report“.

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Läs rapporten Gearing up for G4


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